Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Worship Satan No#2

Hey all, back after the Christmas break. I thought I’d take the time out, as, few people would be about during Christmas, or, I certainly hope not. At any rate I’ve a few updates. First of which, I have not been ignoring the blog, though that may seem strange, rather I’ve been collecting material together, I also return with a routine. As of this week Thursday at nine o’clock, that’s night, will be the time... for you to spend on this blog... that's right, Thursday o'clock at nine I'll be uploading a new post. Because face it, if you’re reading this blog, that empty feeling inside is likely the lack of a social life. Or cancer.

Following this Thursday will be three blogs on things that aren’t books, expect that to change, quickly. First off, yes I have a word or two to say on Event Horizon. Following that I’ll be blogging about Gemini Rue, finally the Hammer Horror classic The Gorgon, which will certainly be interesting, I feel it’s a rather underrated Hammer flick, because it is exactly what people expect out of a Hammer film, and yet, more.
My return has to Galway has brought stability.

Pictured: Galway

Back to the old ball game, I hope you’ll enjoy the coming weeks entries.
Also your whore hole is smells of man pong, lots of man pong.


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPd7kAy15kw&feature=related

    1. http://www.aperfectworld.org/clipart/emotions/happy.png

  2. http://www.blogcdn.com/www.comicsalliance.com/media/2010/10/dracburger.gif
